Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Weight Issues

I have a problem. It’s this:

I am not sure if I have weight issues or not.

On the one hand, I feel like I am quite overweight and would like to lose some of that ‘extra baggage’, but I feel that keeping your body fit is more important than the actual shape itself and I don’t stress myself too much about it. Keep it easy, I tell myself.

On the other, people have been coercing me to lose weight. They poke fun at me and poke at my excess weight too, literally. And the worst pressure comes from an unlikely source. My family.

My family, as in my mum and sister, because my dad and I don’t really discuss stuff like that. What my dad and I talk about are pretty much trivial things like making fun of the ridiculous plotlines in movies. We don’t get into too personal stuff because then things will get messy.

See, I inherited my hot temper from him, and everyone knows it’s dumb to fight fire with fire.

Duh, I mean, if your house was on fire, don’t tell me you’re gonna go light a match and rush in to save your belongings shouting like some uneducated madman (the phrase ‘like an uneducated madwoman’ cannot possibly exist, as it is a contradiction of terms).

So, you run in, waving your arms around as if the wind from them would put out the fire, screaming:

“Look out Fire! I got a match, see?! I’m fighting fire with fi-“

*suddenly emits horrible screaming and screeching as your match burns to a crisp and your clothes catch fire*

Or you might not even get that far.

Anyone notice that I have this tendency to make up utterly dumb random scenes frequently?

Anyway, the ones that make fun if my weight are my mother and sister, one of which is overweight and the other is anorexic (can you believe I used to be skinnier than my sister before I turned 12?). Sort of. So they really don’t have the right to comment about my weight.

And no, they don’t do it for my own good. Is saying “Eh, your backside is very fat. After the chair spoil!” IN FRONT OF ALL MY AUNTS, UNCLES AND COUSINS counted as advising? I don’t think so. And they do things like that constantly too, ganging up (ganging up!) on me. It makes me feel really low.

There's actually a book entitled "Fat Kid Rules The World" about this fat kid who palys drums, or something of that sort.


I tried diets before, nothing too hardcore but my self-discipline is shamefully low. In fact, it’s practically non-existent. plus, my mum may say I'm fat, but she still forces me to eat, eat, EAT!

What lah! One moment say I'm fat, then next moment, stuff me with carbs pulak.

Dieting: FAIL

And I don’t have much time to exercise because my mum doesn’t trust me to go three feet away from house by myself without a surveillance team on my back. So I can’t go out to exercise and stuff. Oh, the joys of being a daughter under the care of over-overprotective parents. Not that I don’t appreciate their concern of course.

Now that I think about it, it’s those robbers and snatch thieves fault. Without them, the world would be a more peaceful place and overweight people will get to exercise and pollute the air of their sweat odour.

Hmm... We’re facing a lose-lose situation, aren’t we?

Especially with my current schedule and location. I’m only back home (in Kemuning Utama) from school at earliest 5.30 p.m.. If I have tuition, it’s even later! Imagine still wearing your school uniform at 10 at night!

Exercise: FAIL

And my mum drinks Trutox (we’ll just call it a 'health drink', ok?) but me, being under 18 (completely irrelevant, except to my mum), am not allowed to do that.

‘Health Drink’: FAIL

I am hopeless. Those smiling scrawny models in magazines (the ones that make everyone feel bad about their weight so that they binge even more) telling us everyday that losing weight is easy-peasy have absolutely no idea what the heck they are crapping about. Go stick a gym sock into your mouth, why don’t you.

^Man, I love this shirt. It never gets old.^

Now, my friends should know that while I do admire those stick-thin models, that is not what I would consider ideal weight.

Around Joanne’s weight would be what I consider ideal.

Yes, Jo, you have a nice body. And yes, I envy you.

So far, I have been able to maintain a 19.7 BMI. And yes, I know I just announced my BMI for the whole wide web to see. The criticism that I imagine people will be thinking when they see this might motivate me to lose weight.

^BMI for Southeast Asians.^

While it isn’t considered overweight yet, I’d still like to go down to at least an 18-18.99.

Gambate to myself.

Soooo, basically this entry is just a rant. I really needed to get it of my chest seeing as my mother and sister just made fun of me again last night.

Oh, and posting this probably proved to myself that I DO have weight issues. I blame it on whoever has ever made fun of my weight and my weak mind for succumbing to the jeers. And alas, this also proves my point that pressure from the society is what causes weight issues.

Oh, and Happy 3rd Year, Ed and Jo! (12/3/08) Cool party!

And also, gratz to all those who sat for the SPM2007!

Bye all.


3 commentz:

Shin Ying Tan said...

OMG again,this post made my early morning??(its like 3am and i'm hyper LOL)

"So, you run in, waving your arms around as if the wind from them would put out the fire, screaming:

“Look out Fire! I got a match, see?! I’m fighting fire with fi-“

*suddenly emits horrible screaming and screeching as your match burns to a crisp and your clothes catch fire*"

and many other awesome things mentioned in this post of urs......gawd,don't do health drinks yah J!:S.....and are u fat??noooooo!

~*JJ*~ said...

yes, I am. I am, I am, I am.

glad this entry made you happy. xD but I'm better now since my cousin told me that I seemed to have lost weight. Take that, mum! lol...

aaah, my happiness depends so much on other ppl's opinion. I'm a sad sad person.

Shin Ying Tan said...

aiya,don't say that lah.i'm sure its not true.

and even if itis....i dunno =P coz i can't agree on that.i live off my own expectations....but lately,these expectations have been non-existent?:(