Sunday, February 1, 2009

CNY piccies!

Here's how this family celebrates this Ox year CNY!

We arrived in Penang two days before chinese new year. We stayed at the g hotel since staying at our relatives' houses for over a week would be troubling them too much.

Nieces and Gaik jie jie watching me struggle with the goggles

Went swimming with my sis and cousin to work off some weight. Had to borrow my sister's pink goggles, lawl.

My nieces had just recovered from flu so they couldn't join us and could only watch. Aww...

The pool lounge

Chu Yi and we're all dressed up! Cute leh...

My cousin Yimei (whom I only meet during CNY D: ) , me and my sis

Breakfast at Dome. We weren't there since we were off visiting in Air Hitam. But the pics were taken by my cousins' cam and here's Janice eating Minestrone soup!
Dinner at Da Yi's house in Butterworth

We had a popiah snack first...

Then the real thing: steamboat! Our table (only :P) even had a grill!

Next day, celebrating my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary!
My nieces especially GamGam (Megan but she calls herself Megam, lol) , the awesomest, most creative posers ever! And probably the youngest camwhorers I know!

Pose: Yawn...

My cousin (their mum) is still pretty, even after being a mother to those two hyperactive devils for almost half a decade.

Pose summore...I gave her bunny ears!

The food

We're appraising the food? More like sneaking jelly to eat first. Heh...

My cousin, doing what he does best: opening wine bottles to drink ;D

His brother, doing what he does best: camwhore! (maybe that's where my nieces got it from)

Actually, this is a candid shot and to give him credit, he does look quite good la. He'll probably blackmail me with that hideous photo he took of me if I said otherwise anyway.


Eeeeeh...? Might'e scared Janice in the back. -.-"

Sleepy faces, zzz....

See what I mean?

Manning the 'bar' (styrofoam carton full of alcoholic drinks)

Me with Ah Foo

Half gone

My grandparents eating heartily!

Super cute super poser

My family is a family of posers, seriously
My nephew, Richard and his cousin Jie Xin (I don't know her english name so this is the han yu ping yin) are being superheroes!
The two guys holding them are brothers and my cousins.
Getting ready for the yee sang. Isn't my grandma's smile sweet?

My dad's side was invited too, minus the lala-looking guy at the far right. *hides*

Stephanie, the one in the red dress, is only 12 this year and already very pretty.
Weee~! I was on the left side of my niece (who's on top of her dad's shoulders) and was so afraid she'd poke the chopstick into my eye!


I got to put in the candles! :D

The chinese words are actually written by my cousin, Kean coz the girl at Secret Recipe couldn't write in chinese. I drew the lopsided heart!

The daughters and daughter-in-law

Cucu cicik (almost) semua

Cake cutting!

Rest time back in the hotel

And Wii time too!

My nieces and their mummy!

Breakfast at Coffee Bean since we went to Starbucks the other night (or morning since it was 1am).

Between the hotel and Gurney Plaza is this enclosed area, with cafes and restaurants lining both sides. Since it's open-air, sitting there and chilling in the sea breeze is wonderful.

The rest of the days was spent chilling out, shopping, visiting, swimming, Wii-ing and playing the new version of Cluedo: Discover the Secrets.

Ms. Kassandra Scarlet (the one on the box cover) rocks! xD She got the best power too!

It was so relaxing and fun to be around my family, I've been moping around now that it's over and we've returned to the suburbs of KU. Back to the world of textbooks and homework.

I wish everyone a fun and happy new year! You don't need to be prosperous to be happy ok!





All I can say is that I'm proud that you are my oldest friend (old meaning I know him since I was born la). =)

5 commentz:

Shin Ying Tan said...

Jia Yann looks so much more grown-up ready.

and i love family gathering photos :) so lovely! so big the family!

~*JJ*~ said...

haha, she's much more matured than me when I was her age!

celebrate cny there?

Shin Ying Tan said...

owh, no we did not really do so. but it's in our hearts(?)

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