Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In My Own World

And there I will stay till reality is over.

Though now I'm actually relatively calm for some reason. Surprise surprise to those who have seen me stress over exams before.

It's like the 'calm before the storm' stage. Do not disturb. Extremely volatile.

There is little more than half a day left, according to those wonderfully helpful friends who have put countdowns on their msn.

Remind me to bitch at them again later. :)

Experiment time again!

We've already viewed all sorts of cells, and they are totally cool/gross by the way! No pics, duh. Viewed them through microscope.

This time, we're supposed to observe the DNA of an onion.

First, heat up a water bath till 60 degree celcius.

Then, mix 10 ml detergent, 3 grams NaOH (it's basically salt, lol) and 100 ml distilled water.

Chop up an onion into teeny tiny pieces and dump the whole lot in.

Mix mix mix it, then put into the water bath.

Mine's the lower right one =D

15 minutes later, cool it in ice water while stirring.

After 5 mins, blend it for less than 5 seconds and filter about 10 ml into a boiling tube.

See that cool-looking watch?

Since the day I met him, Sam's watch has never seemed to work. It's perpetually stuck at 1 something. It's a nice watch though, no wonder he still wears it.

Add drops of protease and 10 ml ethanol slowly...

TADA! You get your DNA! Well, not yours, but the onion that you were butchering before.

It's that translucent, white filmy layer in the middle (not at the bottom).

I swirled it around abit and it gathered into this blob-like stringy bundle.

I gave the procedure in case anyone wants to attempt it on their own. Though where the hell you'd get protease I don't know.
Me in yellow and YY in white.
I feel so tall! *runs*

Today, I teman YY wear our Bitch shirts. Coz we are awesome. ;D

All the best to all,


P.S. : I'm reciting the procedure out of pure memory, with no reference whatsoever.

My Biology lecturer, who wishes to remain anonymous *coughlikesomecelebritylikethatcough*, should be proud. =D

Looking forward to the field trip!



Another hurdle over, on to the next! Gambatte, my friends!


Waiting at Jo's house before the 'thrilling' car ride. Took from Kris' blog.

Simon, Doon, me and Jo at the side! Why didn't come into the pic, Jo?

Gratz to everyone,


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