Sunday, May 10, 2009


That I am.

It's 3.30 a.m. and I'm wide awake. Wonder why....

Not that it's unusual for me but tonight there are no friends online to talk to. Should be asleep, but I'm not.

Hadn't had a good week. And in case the topic of my mid-term results comes up again, I got one A, 2 B's and a C with English and MS being unconfirmed yet.


Mum wants me to appeal for the JPA scholarship though even she doesn't really think I'll stand a chance.

I mean, honestly, do you expect them to go through every single one of the possibly 3000 'rayuan's they receive?

Not likely.

Don't call me cynical, I'm being realistic.

Besides, I'm squeezing every drop of the miniscule amount of brain juice I have just to write the rayuan in BM. D:

I still feel lost; I'm not sure where I'm headed. And I really hate this feeling.

It's not the spontaneous, 'lets wing it' sort of feeling. More like staring out uncertainly into the misty frontier of the future.

I'll face it with a brave front. No worries.

Here are some pictures from my sister's birthday which are posted up only because I am being driven by my absolute boredom to do so.

But before that, my restaurant! xD

Apparently, the max is 50.0 but I'm trying to break it.

Our trophies! (stole off Foo's blog)

And my librarian slash St. John friend, Foo!

Man, if Blogger died one day, taking all my precious pictures with it, it'll be doomsday for them. Somebody is either going to:

a) get hurt
b) get sued, or
c) DIE

Anyways, Friday we went to Yong Tat for Yann's birthday celebration.

The lovely birthday girl!

Birthday girl's parents, lol.


The pictures are some of the more outstanding dishes.

The crabs are unsurpassed (ok, exaggerating a little). But too small. Should be bigger. -.-

Only managed to take pictures after almost all were gone. Before that, I was too busy eating.

Can't touch darling Cecilia with dirty hands. :P

The cute couple of the family. =)


And her sister! x3

Seriously, they're just pretending to be camera shy.

Usually, they are serial posers. xD

See see! Toldja.

The sister eats crabs like I eat chocolate.

The shell fragments even got into her bag and all over her camera and purse. She had to dig them out before she continued eating.

Her pile. Actually small compared to my other family members. =D

Mantis prawn!

It's not that I don't like prawn, I just am too lazy to peel it. Also, I washed my hands already.

So I got my dad to peel it for me. And my sis, the birthday girl.

Nyehehe, I am awesome.

Thanks, Yann! =P


Cake time! Chocolate Mud from SR.

Bit too creamy though. (yes, I actually said that)


Shirt from Sien.

Dozens of cards from Megan! She was at it all morning to prepare these! So cute!

Sample of a card, lawl.

Her 'presents' consisted of a Barbie comb, hand sanitizer and plastic toy scissors.

She took most of them back in the end.

Her sister took the comb. xD

I got her this....

To match this!

She's wanted a pair for quite some time.

So mumsies and I went to shop for one. Her shoe size is the same as mine!

Bag from Gaik. Pretty. Might borrow from her sometime. Shh... >.>

Ang pao from daddy!

Megan attempting to wrap yet ANOTHER present.

So ends Yann's 13th birthday.

Woke up at 7 a.m. in the morning today. It is an UNGODLY hour to be up on a Saturday morning (especially since I slept at 3 the night before).

Not used to it no more. St John Saturdays were but bygone memories. =D

This was for English replacement class. It was ok. We watched a movie: The 11th Hour.

Educational, and we had to take notes.

Behold, my awesome note-taking skills! All crap. xD

But I understand cukup already.

Ignore the funny drawing at the top. Sam(antha) seems to like drawing that.

Behind also draw. -.- Got retarded ice cream as well.

My poor paper. T.T

Sam's notebook on the other hand was filled with chunted notes messages that we scribbled during the movie when it got boring.

Certain parts was boring ok! Totally justified to pass notes, or else fall asleep already. Zzzz....

Went to temple after that for Wesak.

Lights! Beautiful.

And these are only half of them.

Dinner at Plus One Shabu Shabu.

My usual, the Mutton set. Guess I didn't manage to stay vegetarian the whole day. I suck. D:

Cousin and his girlfriend ordered the Seafood set for 2 to share.

Looksies! I make magic!


Then a moment later....

All gone! =D Told you my family's appetite is huge.

Cousin made his girlfriend peel all the prawn for him! Girlfriend abuse!

Noooo! Me asking Dad and Sis to peel for me is different. I don't know how different, but it just is ok! RAWR!

Oh, and this is my new addiction. GUMMY CHOCO.

They're chocolate balls with strawberry gummy in the centre.

Oh, yum.

Baby shark! xD

Was on the way home from cousin's place just now when we encountered a police block.

Effing moved like 100m in half an hour. They were checking every car.

Says it's to check for Mat Rempits.

Right. _I_

Aaaaand... I managed to kill an hour. Try to sleep now I guess.



P.S.: My butt hurts from sitting down too long. D:

P.P.S.: Happy Wesak! And Happy Mama's Day! <3

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