Just got back from Genting and I'm supposed to be studying.
But yeah, since my finals is in a week, I'm pretty sure I'll be abandoning this for a bit so I better update now to make it seem less desolate. :D
Right, Halloween just passed!
Okay, I know it's not much of a life. But at least it's fun?
Didn't even recognize them until they asked us and we saw Aaron's specs through the eye holes lol.
There were pretty awesome costumes there and the full album is here.
So yeah, here's the tale behind our threesome's (Crys TM) costumes.
So I'm on this secret agent assassin mission thingy.
I'm out at this shady bar and was trying to seduce a Yakuza boss to get some info outta him by pretending to be from another higher up organisation.
I may or may not have gotten what I need, but my boss will never know. Because unbeknownst to me, my boyfriend saw me at the bar lounging against the dude! *JENG JENG JENG*
Of course, he misunderstands and instead of confronting me at the bar, he goes home all hot and angry instead.
Upon reaching home, I find the boyfriend all raged up. He's shouting at me and throwing stuff. And suddenly he's goes all ape shit on me and strangles me to death in a moment of rage.
Of course I couldn't fight back since the organisation I work for has to maintain its secrecy so I end up like this.
*points down*
I am angry for being accused of something I did not do but at the same time, he was SORTA justified as I couldn't provide a sound explanation as to what I was doing at the bar.
My conscience manifests into two tangible beings and each have their own say.
They both have their points and are extremely persistent, and -dare I say it- both are equally convincing.
The devil wants me to go ahead and kill my boyfriend because it's what he deserved.
He made promises of how he'd give me a special place in hell where I'd have my own powers and never have to suffer.
And have all the non fattening chocolate I will ever want!
But who's gonna believe the devil eh? :P
Seems I'm still redeemable and if I don't murder my shallow lousy boyfriend, I just might get a spot in there.
Where there are soft fluffy clouds and cute animals all around!
And no heat and fire! And possibly torture if the devil goes back on his words, which he most likely will.
Now there's still the conundrum.
YOU DECIDE! (My last three or so readers that still keep up with this blog and possibly won't respond anyway. I love you guys!)
This one Crys couldn't go because she sick. D:
And don't love us no more! T_______T
Guess what I am! :D
So the costumes weren't as awesome as IMU but the performances were much better.
So yeah, back to studying. So sien omg.
Wish me luck!