Sunday, April 13, 2008

Long Overdue Update Post

I finally got around doing my update post.

It was from last year (November to January) and it’s not even going to be long. Oh well, too bad.

*gets stoned*

So anyway, we had our holidays and I went to Egypt.

Got lots of cool stuff there like Egyptian coke, galabia (sp?) and some cool gold snake slippers!

No, they weren’t made of snake but they had a snake design on it. Too bad Shaggy came and bit the thin strap into half! I smacked his furry butt for that.

We did Sphinx, Temples, Pyramids, PIllars, Temples, Villages, Papyrus, Bazaars and Temples.

Honestly, it was excating at first but got sort of repetitive after a while. Temple after temple. Unless you imagine going back into time and seeing how they manually built these beaties. Then it’s cool.

And I got majorly sick halfway since I was too stubborn to wear a jacket to protect myself from the sun. It’s actually really strong but you can’t really feel it ‘cause of the cool wind. And then, I went and exposed myself to strong winds on the boat and the cruise deck.

So my body couldn’t take the huge changes of temperature and went loco. Because I confused it to much, it took revenge by not deciding whether it was hot or cold!

So I was feeling warm on the surface of my skin and I even felt warm there but deeper in I felt totally cold and couldn’t stop shivering, even with a big, thick blanket over me.

Because of that, I couldn’t go for the highlight of the trip and had to stay in the cruise ship while the others went to the Nubian village and rode camels and held lambs and alligators!

Baby ones, of course.

Ish, I can’t believe my stupid self! So bad karma! Chiet Chun took my spot instead and he told me everything I was missing. And showed me pictures too. Grrr...

After the trip was just staying at my aunt’s place or our house would be totally empty. And my cousin leads an eventful life, I can tell you. I watched three movies in a week. But holiday lah, so nothing special also.

And or course, my two nieces were so adorable! I love them to death! Megan and Janice!

And we started the new school year. Nothing new except SPM!

Dun dun dun!

But I don’t think I’m putting in enough h effort, being the procrastinator that I am. All I do I make the library my first home and lament each time a new month starts. I suck.

So we also got a maid and all which is cool because now I don't look at dirty dishes with a vengence anymore.
You know, only my mum and I were pulling our weight around here; dad and Yann didn't do much. Made no difference to them whether there was a maid or not. Only that if no Indonesian one here, then got two Malaysian maids: Me and mum.


Erm, I can’t think of anything else to rant about.

Oh, except that I got pissed at my family again today and I have to keep reminding myself that even if they don’t appreciate my love for them, I still do anyway. I don’t know how long I can keep it up.

Wow, quite a long post after all.

Looking forward to IU, if I didn’t look like an overstuffed pig forced into a dress.



1 commentz:

Shin Ying Tan said...

lmao u nvr told me about getting a maid....kekekeke

u goin IU ah....wait for pics :D