Sunday, April 13, 2008

More Piccies of Library Camp!

Man, another post today! I am on a roll! And it's a happy one too. At least I'm trying to make it happier than the last few.

But you guys are probably thinking 'Shut up lah, Jia Ying! Sick of you already!'

Well, guess what? Yup, TOO BAD!

I've got more piccies uploaded and it took forever. I actuslly started this post right after the last one (the Update Post) but got bored after the tenth photo or so. I continued the next day.

Okay, enough blabbing. Here they are!

These were chosen as the 'spies'.

Some shots of us and Pn Tan and the teachers.

Pn Tan can use the last one as her new calendar picture. xD

Group photo!

The SS photos I mentioned. We denied camwhoring. Well, not really, since there are worse.

Preparing for the performance.


Uh, I'll add more to this post soon because my comp is having trouble uploading the camp photos at the moment.

In a bit,


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